Sustainable Procurement Standards

Through the procurement of goods, ARKRAY strives to contribute to sustainability-oriented efforts, such as those in consideration of ethics, human rights, and the environment. We kindly ask that our business partners fully recognize and comply with our procurement standards.

1) Legal Compliance

<Compliance with laws, ordinances, and their spirit>

  • Comply with the laws, ordinances, and their spirit of each country and region.
  • Establish and implement policies and systems, action guidelines, reporting systems, education etc. for thorough compliance.

<Management and protection of confidential information>

  • Appropriately manage and protect confidential and personal information obtained through dealings with the ARKRAY Group.

<Protection of intellectual property>

  • Respect the intellectual property of others and do not engage in any unauthorized use or infringement upon any rights.

<Prohibition of unfair competition>

  • To not engage in acts that violate the competition laws of each country, such as private monopoly, unfair trade restrictions (cartels, bid rigging, etc.), unfair trade practices, or abuse of superior positions.

<Management of export and import transactions>

  • Properly manage products and technologies etc. to be exported and imported in accordance with laws and ordinances regarding the management of export and import transactions.

<Other forms of compliance>

  • To not accept nor provide entertainment, gifts, or money to or from customers, suppliers, or other business partners to obtain or maintain unfair advantage or preferential treatment.
  • To not conduct unrecorded (off-book) transactions, fictitious transactions, or other transactions that are false or misleading. Prepare and keep accounting records (forms, books, etc.) that reflect detailed, accurate, and fair information on all transactions and dispositions of assets.

2) Human Rights and Labor

  • Based on learnings from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international norms, support the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and promote efforts to respect human rights.
  • In addition to not committing human rights violations through business activities, strive not to promote human rights violations through business relationships such as supply chains.

<Prohibition of discrimination>

  • To not allow discrimination in hiring and employment practices such as wages, promotions, rewards, and educational/training opportunities based on the following: race, color of skin, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, ethnicity or nationality, disability, pregnancy, religion, political affiliation, union membership or lack thereof, prior military service, protected genetic information, or marital status.

<Respect for diversity>

  • Regard diversity and inclusion as a cornerstone of management and promote diversity and inclusion initiatives.


  • To not tolerate any form of harassment or conduct that offends an individual's dignity including abuse of power, gender-based harassment, sexual harassment, corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, or verbal abuse of employees.
  • If harassment is identified, take immediate appropriate action, including preventing recurrence, while protecting the privacy of the parties involved.

<Child labor>

  • To not allow labor by any child that is not of working age.
  • The minimum age at which a person may work is to be the oldest of the following:
  • • 15 (fifteen) years of age
    • The age at which compulsory education ends
    • The minimum age for employment under the applicable laws and ordinances of each country

  • Employees under the age of 18 (eighteen) are not allowed to engage in hazardous tasks that may endanger their health or safety.
  • Vocational training and apprenticeships are allowed only to the extent permitted by the applicable laws and ordinances of each country.

<Migrant and forced labor>

  • Ensure that all work is voluntary and that employees are free to leave their positions. Do not allow forced labor of any kind through violence, intimidation, or debt, or any form of modern slavery, including human trafficking.
  • To not require employees to surrender government-issued identification, passports, or work permits as a condition of employment.
  • To not charge fees that would be considered unreasonable under international norms, such as recruitment fees.


  • Comply with the applicable laws and ordinances of each country regarding minimum wages, overtime, wage deductions, piece-rate wages, and other benefits.
  • Provide legally required benefits.
  • Deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure is not permitted.
  • Provide employees with clear statements of salaries, benefits, and deductions in a timely manner in compliance with the applicable laws and ordinances of each country.

<Working hours>

  • Properly manage employees' working hours, holidays, and vacations in accordance with the applicable laws and ordinances of each country so as not to exceed legal limit.

<Freedom of association>

  • Respect the right of all employees to associate freely in accordance with the applicable laws and ordinances of the countries in which they conduct business. Further, respect their right not to associate.
  • Employees are guaranteed the right to openly communicate with management without fear of discrimination, retaliation, intimidation, or harassment.

<Safe and healthy work environment >

  • Give the utmost priority to the safety and health of employees in the workplace and strive to prevent accidents and disasters by identifying hazards.
  • Aid in facilitating employee health through health promotion activities and guidance for disease prevention in the workplace.

3) Environment

<Environmental management system>

  • Establish an environmental management system, which will be periodically reviewed, maintained, and improved.
  • Comply with the environmental laws and ordinances of each country and region, work to maximize their environmental performance, and maintain and improve the system.

<Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions>

  • Develop products and services that reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Plan and promote various reduction measures, including energy conservation, equipment improvement, and material substitution.

<Promotion of recycling and waste reduction>

  • Take proper disposal and recyclability into account during waste disposal.
  • Reduce and recycle waste in logistics.

<Management of chemical substances>

  • Manage chemical substances (e.g., abolition or reduction of use) in compliance with the relevant laws and ordinances of each country and region. To not use prohibited substances in products or the manufacturing processes. In addition, to submit appropriate reports to the government in accordance with the laws and ordinances.
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