Türkiye-Syria earthquake; Contributions to local medical activities

On February 6, 2023, a 7.8-magnitude earthquake and its aftershocks struck the area near the Türkiye-Syria border, resulting in the deaths of nearly 60,000 people living in both countries. In the immediate aftermath of the disaster, supporters all over the world rushed to provide a wide range of support aimed at preserving the lives and health of those affected, such as by conducting rescue activities and providing shelter and food despite severely cold temperatures below the freezing point.

ARKRAY's dry-type clinical chemistry analyzer, the SPOTCHEM EZ SP-4430, was utilized in these efforts and played an important role for the JDR (Japan Disaster Relief) Medical Team of JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) which was dispatched to the disaster-stricken areas of southeastern Türkiye and for which we received appreciation from the local community. The SPOTCHEM EZ SP-4430 is a compact POCT* instrument that requires no water and can be used immediately in clinics and other medical applications. This instrument enables testing to be performed quickly, even in disaster-stricken areas and other environments where securing water can be difficult.

When any issues occurred due to environmental factors such as cold temperatures or dust, engineers from ARKRAY Infinity, Inc., who are specialists in maintenance and repair services for clinical testing instruments, quickly provided advice on instrument operation service via phone, contributing to local medical activities.
In recent years, water stoppages caused by such large-scale natural disasters has become a major roadblock in maintaining medical care and sanitation.
ARKRAY pledges to continuously work towards protection of people's health through medical instruments.

* POCT: Point-of-Care Testing

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