Commendation from Kyoto Association of Medical Technologists

ARKRAY Marketing, Inc. (hereinafter, referred to as "AMC"), which oversees sales of ARKRAY products in Japan and has been doing so for about 10 years, gives lectures at academic conferences and participates in the annual "Zenkoku Kensa to Kenko Ten" (National Testing and Health Exhibition) in addition to holding study sessions at ARKRAY Kyoto Laboratory. At the "National Testing and Health Exhibition", AMC offers participants experience in hands-on measurement using ARKRAY's blood testing and urinalysis instruments in order to increase their understanding and awareness of clinical testing.

In recognition of these efforts, AMC received the Chairman's Award at the 70th anniversary celebration of the founding of Kyoto Association of Medical Technologists held on March 18, 2023. This is the first time that an award recipient has been selected from among 50 supporting members (manufacturers and relevant suppliers), and we accept it as a great honor.

AMC believes that supporting the activities of medical technologists will have many benefits for society and we will continue supporting the activities of Kyoto Association of Medical Technologists while willingly cooperating with them.

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