News & Topics

Dec 01, 2021

ARKRAY: Full-scale Operations Begin at our 6 New Locations in Europe

Started activities in 8 countries to strengthen our own sales structure

ARKRAY, Inc. (Headquarters: Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto, hereinafter referred to as ARKRAY) will start full-scale operations at our 6 newly opened locations (5 sales offices and 1 manufacturing base) in Europe from December 1st.
In the European area, we will strengthen our own sales structure and at the same time build a structure that can provide the same level of service (sales, maintenance, academic affairs activities) as we do in Japan. We will consistently provide high-quality test data through ARKRAY products to medical facilities and contribute to improving the QOL of patients.

Opened locations

We opened 5 sales offices in Italy, Spain, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and Belgium (the Benelux region: includes Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg in its jurisdiction) and a manufacturing base in Ireland, for a total of 6 locations covering 8 countries.
In the first year, we built a structure of about 50 employees in total at the 6 locations, with a strong focus on local employment. In addition to the sales function, we will add maintenance and academic affairs functions that were not fully provided via our distributors, and provide the same level of detailed service as we do in Japan.

Purpose and background behind the establishment of the locations

In Europe, we have been conducting sales activities through distributors, mainly through our distributor management office in the Netherlands.
However, in the increasingly competitive medical device industry, we have shifted from sales through distributors to sales by ourselves, based on the judgment that it is essential to respond proactively and flexibly to customers in order to accelerate growth. We have been proceeding with this project with this purpose in mind. At each location, we aim to expand our business in Europe by building a structure that can provide the same detailed services as we do in Japan. This includes not just sales but also maintenance services and the provision of academic affairs-related information.

About our manufacturing base "ARKRAY Ireland Limited"

ARKRAY Ireland Limited is a core facility for us to realize a stable supply of products in Europe, and is mainly responsible for the manufacturing of test reagents and the distribution of various products.

Name ARKRAY Ireland Limited
Address North Dublin Corporate Park, Ireland
(Approximately 15km north of Dublin, the capital of Ireland)
Business activities Manufacturing of test reagents, product management and delivery
Area of site 3,000㎡
Total floor area 2,000㎡
Number of Employees 7 people (as of the end of November 2021)

Main products to be sold (examples)


Glycohemoglobin analyzer
ADAMS A1c HA-8190V


Urine Sediment Analyzer
Fully-automated urine analyzer
*Bridge connection

Blood glucose meter
Glucocard W / S / S onyx

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